Wednesday, May 22, 2013

At home

If you didn't know, I quit my day job to spend time with Jo, among other things. You can read a little more about it here. As excited as I am to be able to really focus on my life and my family, I'm also a bit nervous. I've been working outside the home for most of my adult life. What if I get bored? What if I don't have time to do things I need to do for myself? What will Jo and I do all day?

And then I do what I remind Jo to do when she's freaking out. I take a deep breath.

Monday I still had a sitter, so I was able to catch up on a few things that needed to get done, like go to the dentist. No cavities. Yay! Yesterday, Jo was sick with a really high fever and a weird cough, so needless to say the day was spent mostly on the couch or in bed snuggling or sleeping. Today was the first day with nothing planned and Jo was feeling much better, although she still frequently requested to snuggle (her new favorite word).

We got up this morning and ate breakfast and did a little packing since we're moving this weekend and watched a little Yo Gabba Gabba and did some laundry and then even cleaned up the kitchen. I looked at the clock and it was only 9am. Yep. There was so much day left. We managed to fill it with playing and reading and errands and more packing. I was even able to crank out some of my own stuff throughout the day too. It was a good day.

And there was one moment that stands out for me when we were sitting on the couch reading. Jo was in her snuggling position which means she sits on my stomach and leans against my legs. She thought it was hilarious to put her feet on either side of my face, take them away, and put them back again. She laughed and laughed. And I laughed and laughed.

And I realized that I was seeing parts of her that I have never seen. Of course I spent days and days with her at home for the first six months of her life, but since then it has really only been at night and during the weekends. I haven't really had the time or energy to just sit with her and just be there in the moment. It was like we were communicating on a different level. And I was aware of that. And I loved it.

I took these pics the other day when Jo insisted she drink her "coffee" in her diaper. On the radiator.
I was playing around with the manual settings on my camera so she looks quite cherubic.


  1. I adore this post so deeply. Jo is awesome. You are awesome.

  2. This is so wonderful! I love all of it.

  3. I was just re-reading this post, and I finally clicked on the link to read the piece you had as a guest blog. You are so good at capturing your feelings in words. I totally relate to what you are writing, but I would have a hard time putting it in words. I like what you said about how motherhood changes you. I also have thought a lot about your comment about experiencing sides of Jo that you wouldn't have been able to when working. I think of that a lot when Lilian is silly or Solbritt says something astounding for a 4 year old and I think, these are the moments to enjoy and remember...not the yelling and bad moments! So thanks for your sharing!!

    1. Sigrid, I love your comments! There will always be good and bad moments. I'm so glad that I get to experience them all. :)
